Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Ten Years Later

It has been Ten Years since that fateful day. Ten Years since the world was forever changed.

Once again, the questions of Where were you? What were you doing? come up.

For me.....
We were still living on Brand Blvd in the little side house. We lived in front of the mission park. It was early morning and I reluctantly and groggily got out of bed.  I started getting ready to go to school and noticed that my mom was staring at the small TV that was on the bar. Rubbing my eyes, I asked what she was doing?
And she said someone had attacked the Twin Towers. I looked at the Spanish newscaster say that they were unsure just yet of what was going on, but it appeared that a plane had just crashed into the twin towers.

And by the way she was speaking it made it seem like this was an accident. I was in shock. Just thinking... DAMN! and then my mom reminded me that it was late and I needed to get ready to go to school. So I did... and didn't look at the T.V again.
My sister drove us to school (I was still in middle school and my sister Kimberly was in high school) and when we got there to class, Everyone had the T.V on. Instead of regular classes some teachers had the T.V on such. Mine did not. so we went about class all normally... and then in homeroom... My teacher turned on the T.V so we could see.... and by then... the twin towers had already fallen.
I remember just... thinking... WHAT?!...It was just on fire!! There is no way... THAT could have happened! What's going on?!.... and that's when my teacher told us that we had just been under a Terrorist attack. I didn't exactly know what she meant. I mean... At that point in time I was like... "A terrorist attack in this time?" like... of course that could never happen! ....

I actually don't really remember what the rest of the school day was like...  I guess I was just in that much shock. When I got home, my mom hugged me and we stared at the T.V as the covered the events of that day. The outrage, the hurt, anger, hysteria. It was like the world had ended. A war. That's what I thought when they showed the pictures of were the Twin Towers once stood.

It's like a War.

And I remember feeling scared because... We're in 2001. War and Destruction like that didn't happen in this day and age anymore.

I was not in New York nor did or do I know anyone that lives/lived there but then and now... my heart and thoughts, prayers still go out to all those people that died that day. To their families, loved ones... to everyone that was left behind in heartache ...

I will never forget.
Never Forget. 9/11/2001

To the Hero's and Sacrifices. To the reluctant and surprise Hero's... Thank You.

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