Tuesday, September 30, 2014

For being so crazy....

....I actually still really do like Lana Del Rey. 

Yeah... I mean, I guess an Artist is always quirky or crazy, but the depressive shit she said the last time was just dumb and I really wish for her to TALK to someone or get help. I grew a little concerned that she actually said she just wanted to die already....
That really can't be healthy... 

But what irritated me was how she was saying how she's fucked a lot of people in the industry, blah, blah, and I just felt... well... Even if you have, you know, I have mixed feelings on you spouting that shit out there. 

Just Don't. 

So I grew to dislike her a little... 

But then...
but then...

I listen to her songs (which I have all of her stuff on my itunes) and I just fall in love with her all over again! LOL....

I mean, aside from her "worst performance ever live on SNL" I love her on studio tracks.
 Cuz... really guys? 

A lot more than you'd think assholes.

I digress.....

But yeah, I came to dislike her a little, but then, I just can't stop loving her music...

Right now, god.. I can just sway to this forever....

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