Thursday, October 23, 2014

Books with HATEFUL formatting and NO COVERS

Isn't it annoying?

Ugh... That's one thing I don't like about purchasing from smashwords or ARe sometimes...

That the books end up coming out with no covers.
Smashwords especially has that. Which totally just... urgh!! It's irks me so damn bad. Almost always those self published titles have no covers.

Then there is ARe. The good thing about ARe is that the majority DO come with covers. Yay! But, You do get a good amount that don't.

Now, don't get me wrong here, I know it probably has NOTHING to do with ARe or Smashwords at all. It might all have to do with what the author turns in. They probably really have no control over how it comes out when put up for sale, And at least, if you submit a 'ticket' at ARe, they are likely to fix it....but still!! It's annoying!!!

Yesterday... or... I think it was actually the day before, I bought two books, First off, one was fucking HORRIBLY FORMATTED!!!!! Like seriously!! Fucking terrible. Jumbo fucking lettering and no pretty format at all. Like.. here... I'll give you an example.

No joke. This is real here... NO. JOKE.

Then, I got one with NO cover. Not only that, I thought, "Oh! Fine.. I'll just put it in my nook (the epub format) and Yay! I'll have cover and it'll be pretty so I won't mind..."


Not only does it NOT have a cover for that either BUT it has shitty formatting as well.

I mean.. I get that things get fucked up when formatting them into other formats. Sure, of course, it happens but... the fact that it happens so often is just too damn annoying. Like... I'm giving you my money... right? so, the least you can do is make sure that your book looks great when it comes out on the other side. Right? (in all formats! come on! please?!)

Some will say, "well it looks good on the mobi format"
Oh, well, good for you, BUT I DON'T FUCKING USE MOBI FORMAT!!
I really wish other formats would get the same 'loving' for what seems to go into the 'mobi' format.

I Hate buying books that look like shit. Which is why I often don't get self publishes books even if I WANT TO SO DAMN BAD!!
It's because they look hideous. So I buy just Publisher ones.

I mean, I can't be the only person who is so anal about pretty covers and nice formatting right? Am I the only one?


I could just look the other way and just READ it but I buy these books to keep and treasure... I really wish some of them would be as pretty as others for my collection....

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