Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Nightmare is Finally Coming to an End.

On November 7th, 2020, the WORLD...(it feels like, lol) and the sane Citizens in the United States of America finally took a real breath of air since this horror started four years ago.

Former Vice-President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was elected as the 46th president of the United States of America. Kamala Devi Harris has made history as the first woman Vice President-elect. 

I can finally breath again. Honestly. As a woman and a minority who's people are currently in cages...

Seeing a real, caring human headed into the Oval office is so much... emotion! lol.. I can't express my relief properly or enough over that fact. A real caring human being will once again grace us with literate and coherent and thoughtful messages and acts that affect the people of America. He is flawed. Yes. But he won't sacrifice thousands of american lives for a chance to play golf. He won't spew hate and vitriol and childish tantrums because people "don't like him". He won't take any chance he can to spend her(America's) citizens money to line his own pockets. He simply won't lie to her citizens about their fears of Health Care and other matters that he can control.  

We have a long, long way to go. This is just the first stepping stone to try to repair as much damage as possible done by the orange monster but ... but... man, is it a beautiful start.

President-elect Joe Biden

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris


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