A force known as Astral power permeates throughout the world, wielded by astral mages. Fearing its destructive power, the "Empire" persecutes those who show their abilities. The tormented mages then founded the Nebulis Sovereignty to flee from their oppressors. Since then, the two nations have been in bitter conflict, the war still going strong for more than a century.
After committing the great crime of freeing an imprisoned witch, the talented knight Iska is sentenced to prison. A year later, the Empire leadership suddenly decides to set him free, with the condition that he hunts down a fearsome mage known as the "Ice Calamity Witch." Hoping to end the war, Iska agrees. Coincidentally, the Ice Calamity Witch herself, Aliceliese "Alice" Lou Nebulis XI, also wishes for peace and is willing to do everything she can to bring down the Empire.
As Iska and Alice both yearn for a crusade that will turn the world into one without struggle, woe, or pain, the strings of fate tie them ever closer together, creating a bond that goes beyond something fabricated by mere coincidence.
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Cover of volume 2 LN |
It's actually based off a Light Novel of the same name.
It's so nice. I hesitated to watch it because after the initial PV, I was just sort of put off by the seemly hopeless story. It's basically a love story of star-crossed lovers. So, as per usual, I expected it to end as a tragedy. Which I was in no mood for. lol
Anyway, I just decided to put it on and Ah~ It's so sweet and has you rooting for the Main Characters, Iska and Alice. the animation is a little odd, but really amazing in the magic and fight scenes.
Well, I've been watching it little, by little when I have time and am almost done with it now. I only have 4 episodes left but OMFG!! I am so frustrated with it right now because the "captain" is a fucking useless bitch. LOL
She's so fucking useless I can't even stand it.
She's always getting captured. Hasn't ever fought and is just in the fucking way. UGHAdlkfja;sdk! LMAO... GOD! I HATE characters like her. I really wish she would just die and let Iska get revenge later. loll...
Anyways, overall I have been enjoying it. I hope it does end happily for Iska and Alice. I just want them together! ;A;/
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